1453-1650 Yılları Arasında Anadolu’daki Yer Adları


The Turks, who settled in almost every region of Anatolia in the years after 1071, named this geography either the places they lived in Asia or the names of the places such as mountain, plain, highland, stream, creek, river, lake they knew in the geography they lived in. Valuable studies have been conducted in Turkey on the place names given by the Oghuz clan who settled in various regions of Anatolia. In this article, the Turkish clans who made Anatolia their homeland from 1453 to 1650 (from the conquest of Istanbul to 1650) was listed and presented underlying the diversity of toponymies based on the work titled “Anadolu’da Aşiretler, Cemaatler, Oymaklar (Clans, Communities, Cults in Anatolia) (1453-1650)” carried out by Yusuf Halaçoğlu on the place names of the Oghuz and other Turkish clans in Anatolia and the toponymies they gave in this wide geography. In this list, where the place names were shown in alphabetical order, the origins of these names were also shown. After the alphabetical list, a thematic classification was prepared on the toponymies and it was examined under the headings determined as the toponymies formed by giving Person Names, Clan, Family, Cult, Community Names; Animal Names; Plant Names, Color Names and Number Names. With this study, it is aimed to draw the attention of Turcologists working in the fields of Turkish language and Turkish history on Turkish Onomastics (person, place, water/river/lake/, mountain, plain, city names) and to direct their studies.

Onomastic, toponymies in Turkish, Oghuz Clan, Turkish language, Turkish history.