Yalanlamalı Masalların Uyumsuzluk Kuramına Göre İncelenmesi: TÜMAK-I Projesi Örneği


Throughout centuries of contemplating what is humorous, numerous methods and theories regarding the concepts of laughter and humor have been developed. Western humor theories like “Superiority, Incongruity, and Relief” have been employed in various analyses conducted on Turkish folk literature works in recent years, contributing to an increase in theoretical studies on Turkish humor. When looking at Discrepant Tales, it is evident that illogical events, unrelated to each other and unlikely to occur in real life, are juxtaposed to create a humorous situation for the audience. In this context, it can be argued that the primary function of refutatıon fairy tale is humor and amusement, suggesting a direct correlation between these tales and humor. This study aims to examine refutatıon fairy tale, inherently linked to humor, through the lens of the “Incongruity Theory” one of the humor theories. The elements advocated by this theory, such as the amusement arising from the incongruity between what is expected and what actually happens, will be scrutinized in a selection of refutatıon fairy tale gathered within the scope of the TUMAK-I Project. It has been observed that refutatıon fairy tale encompass many incongruous situations that could serve as material for the “Incongruity Theory” in humor.

Humor, Laughter, Incongruity Theory, Refutation, Refutation Fairy Tale, Turkish Folk Literature